Science & Biology

Coyotes, rats, others, adapt amid human isolation trends in urban areas

How are abundant and urbanized wildlife adapting to shifts in human presence? Some species feel the strain while others thrive.

Video: Lynx in Canada take on deer, skidders, and each other this winter!

This week, the lynx is the latest to reap social media tidings as two separate videos released by Hinterland Outdoors demonstrate the animal’s insatiable charisma for viral video stardom.

Rash of fox attacks in Maine prompts trapping program

There have been more than half a dozen fox attacks in the area in just six months, with one unfortunate Bath resident being attacked on two separate occasions. The rash of fox attacks in the mid-coast of Maine has prompted formal action from at least one town, according to reports.

Coyote and badger "cahoots" a concept of commensal hunting?

Amid the controversy of half-time Super Bowl dazzle and speech-tearing political pandering plaguing the ‘net this week, an unlikely pair of furbearers are the most recent internet celebrities thanks to their upbeat behest to accompany each other on a suburban hunt for a meal.

Two weasel-like creatures vying for forest turf in the Northeast

Both members of the weasel family, fisher and marten tend to inhabit similar areas within their habitat range while competing with one another over valuable resources and food within that habitat. However, while the larger Fisher has managed to adapt immensely well to agricultural, suburban, and slightly more southern expanses of its home range, the marten is far more fickle with regard to altered habitat impact.